The Miser

The Miser by Moliere

19 -21 November 1994

Comedy. The Miser and his son wish to marry the same girl. His daughter wishes to marry the butler. Add to this the 10,000 crowns hidden in the garden and Molière’s 17th century farce brings to life the conflict between young lovers and an avaricious old fool.

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94 miser display


Harpagon : Douglas Harding

Cleante : Jon Newham

Elise : Pepe Salkeld

Valere : John Timms

Marianne : Gillian Crombie

Anselme : Ray Bromelow

Frosine : Georgette Vale

Master Simon : Terry Waller

Jacques : Geoffrey Palmer

Brindavoine : Rickie Oakley

La Merluche : Paul Thompson

Dame Claude : Winnie Stubbs

La Fleche : John Moules

Officer : John Elson


Director : Diana Evans and Noel Ripley

Stage Manager : Rita Downing

Assistant Stage Manager : Wendy Roskilly

Lighting : Peter Fleming

Sound : William Heaton

Prompt : Joyce Elson

Costumes : Claire Fleming

Properties : Margaret Bachini

Set Design : Noel Ripley

Set construction : David Fyfe, Michael Inskeep , John Elson, William Heaton, Robert Evans, Vanessa Stone