The Caliph’s Cure – An Extravaganza by Monte Middleton and Hugh Bidwell
Dec 1952 at The Little Theatre, Letchworth
Lamour, A Wife of the Caliph : Joyce Jones
Katinka, A Wife of the Caliph : Jean Chatfield
Leda, A Wife of the Caliph : Margaret Bidwell
Atlanta, A Wife of the Caliph : Winnie Stubbs
Saccharina, A Wife of the Caliph : Ann Holt
Fatima, A Wife of the Caliph : John Wheeler
The Caliph, Abu Ben Hussian : Noel Ripley
His Grand Visier, Old Mossy Dick : Hugh Bidwell
Scherazade, His Daughter, known as Sherry : Juliet Woolf
Ahmed, His Page, in love with Sherry : Monte Middleton
Fling-Hi, An Acrobat : Vic Ryall
Sam Goldstein, An American Film Magnate : Michael Everitt
Rudolph the Rake : Derek Booth
I. Strain, A Comic : Joe Platten
A Dessert Policeman : David Fyfe
Dr Svengali, A Psychiatrist : Derek Booth
The Good Fairy : Molly Booth
Abanazar, The Bad Magician : Dick Knight
The Old Spinx : Ken Spinks
The Keeper of the Social Conscience, An Official in the Garden City : David Fyfe
Stentorious Sambo : Vic Ryall
Joe Smith, The Letchworthy : Stephen Ward
Mrs Smith, His Mother : Edith Warnock
Two Rival Chairman of the Council : Joe Platten, Michael Everitt
A Camel : Ella Edwards, Pat Lister
A Scullion : Joyce Jones
The Clerk from the National Health : Rosemary Fowler
Guards, Pages, Women of the Harem, Autograph Hunters, Letchworthians : Ann Manners, Barbara Spinks, John Williams, J Tanner
Production : Gwen Spinks , Hugh Bidwell
Music : Hugh Middleton
Stage Manager : Percy Simmonds
Lighting : Stanley Dutton
Décor : Hugh Bidwell
Spink & Backcloth : Noel Ripley
Dances : Margaret Bidwell
Costume Design : Noel Ripley
Wardrobe : Pat Lister, Edith Warnock, Muriel Whalley
Properties : Ella Edwards
Accompanist : Margery Manners
House Manager : Stephen Ward