The Haunted Through Lounge and recessed dining nook at Farndale Castle

The Haunted Through Lounge and recessed dining nook at Farndale Castle by David McGillivray and Walter Zerling Jr.     16th-18th May 1991

A Comedy. The ladies of the Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen’s Guild Dramatic Society make another spectacle of themselves and their harassed producer. Vigorous sound effects enhance their spine chilling mystery production, a tale of murder and mayhem that is guaranteed to bring down the house or at least a substantial part of the set.

91 dining nook inner 91 dining nook review


Thelma : Joyce Elson

Lottie : Diana Evans

Mrs Reece : Rita Downing

Felicity : Val Searle

Jasmine : Liz Pybus

Producer : Bob Matthews


Director : Valerie Coles

Stage Manager : David Fyfe

Lighting : William Heaton

Sound : Mark Gifford

Prompt : Douglas Harding

Properties : Wendy Roskilly , Rita Prodger, John Moules

Costumes : The Players

Set Design : Noel Ripley

Set construction : John Elson, William Heaton, Robert Evans