The Lady’s not for burning

The Lady’s not for burning by Christopher Fry   November 1956

A romantic comedy, in verse, it is set in the Middle Ages (“1400, either more or less or exactly”). It reflects the world’s “exhaustion and despair” following World War II, with a war-weary soldier who wants to die, and an accused witch who wants to live. In form, it resembles Shakespeare’s pastoral comedies

The Ladys not for Burning - November 1956
The Ladys not for Burning - November 1956
The Ladys not for Burning - November 1956
The Ladys not for Burning - November 1956
The Ladys not for Burning - November 1956
The Ladys not for Burning - November 1956
The Ladys not for Burning - November 1956
The Ladys not for Burning - November 1956
The Ladys not for Burning - November 1956
The Ladys not for Burning - November 1956
The Ladys not for Burning - November 1956
The Ladys not for Burning - November 1956
The Ladys not for Burning - November 1956
The Ladys not for Burning - November 1956
The Ladys not for Burning - November 1956
The Ladys not for Burning - November 1956
The Ladys not for Burning - November 1956
The Ladys not for Burning - November 1956
The Ladys not for Burning - November 1956

56 lady burning



Richard, the Mayor’s clerk : Kenneth Johnson

Thomas Mendip, a discharged soldier : John Waller

Alison Eliot : Peggy Branch

Nicholas Devize : Richard Buckstone

Margaret Devize, mother of Nicholas : Kathleen Fitzpatrick

Humphrey Devize, brother of Nicholas : William Pearce

Hebble Tyson, the Mayor : Ken Spinks

Jennet Jourdemayne : Joyce Jones

The Chaplain : James Innes

Edward Tappercoom, a Justice : David Fyfe

Matthew Skipps : Joe Platten


Producer : Gwen Spinks

Stage Manager : Percy Simmonds

Décor : Noel Ripley

Costumes : Pat Lister assisted by Mrs E.G. Ward

House Manager : Charles Bygrave