The Settlement Players are a group of individuals who share a common interest in amateur theatre, and ultimately the Players need and depend on an active membership. The more active the membership, and the more individuals who have the time, the interest and the skills to be actively involved, the more successful the Players will be.
Please read the section below and contact if you are interested in exploring local amateur theatre.
Settlement Players and the Future.
Over the coming months, the Players are looking to increase membership in all areas, from supporting and watching productions, technical backstage activities, front of house administration, committee responsibilities, non-attending committee roles and production activities.
To build the membership and engagement in all areas we are advertising the different opportunities that exist. The following is a detailed but not exhaustive list of roles and skills that the Players would like to develop over the coming months.
Please read the details below, and if you have the time and enthusiasm to commit to a particular role or task, then please contact for more information and a chat about how to get involved.
Committee roles, these are the current roles and high level tasks. The committee are responsible for all aspects of the Players activities.
Chair Responsible for the scheduling and conduct of all meetings and the overall functioning of the Players. Acts as a spokesperson and main communications contact for the Players, the Settlement and the public.
Treasurer Responsible for maintaining the finances in good order, providing reports at committee meetings and annual report at the AGM. Deals with cash, paying invoices and expenses, box office, obtains production licences, oversees production costs and members subscription payments.
Secretary Responsible for Recording and communicating minutes of the Players meetings and AGM.
Books meetings and AGM. Part of the social media sub group.
This role can be expanded to include oversight of constitution and compliance, increased point of contact and communications to membership and public.
Membership Responsible for maintaining the membership list, co-ordinating subscription reminders and liaising with the treasurer. Ensures all those involved with a production have paid membership.
Social Media Responsible for leading sub group for virtual content on multiple social media platforms. Actively promotes Players online.
Theatre Club Responsible for running the theatre club. Regularly communicates with members. Organises Voucher system for members. Liaises with box office and treasurer.
Printed Media Responsible for co-ordinating articles about productions into local paper and magazines.
Organising production display in library.
Vice Chair Responsible forstanding in for many of the Chair’s main responsibilities. This role can can take on a number of additional tasks.
The committee is also responsible for updating the constitution, Players Manual, Safety roles, risk assessments, privacy, GDPR, and running the Players to facilitate high quality amateur theatre.
Non committee
The following are also roles performed by the committee but could be performed by non committee members.
Maintaining the Players website using WordPress, update content, co-ordinate online box office, liaise with production night box office and treasurer.
Compile and issue mail chimp newsletter to membership.
Obtain publicity banners for productions in liaison with programme/poster designer.
Obtains bar stock, organises glasses and sets up and dismantles bar on production nights. Co-ordinates with front of house organiser. Note that the Licence role held by the Settlement.
Arranges theatre courses, workshops and social events.
Programme/poster role Responsible for co-ordinating poster design, programme content and printing for productions. Liaises with production director.
Front of House organiser Contacts members and arranges for Front of House support, oversees helpers and assists audience on production nights. Ensures emergency process followed. Coordinates with committee.
Front of House roles on production nights
Serving drinks at bar, Door box office, Programme sales, Settlement Confectionary sales, and generally ensuring visitors have a pleasant evening, such as helping people to their seats.
Other support roles
We would like to increase our ability to photograph, film and edit Players activities in high quality formats for publicity, training purposes and broadcasting.
People with electrical skills including PAT testing, woodworking, painting and general DIY for both Players productions and supporting the Settlement.
Production/Theatre Roles
All these roles work with each other and the director during production rehearsals and production run.
Stage Manager Co-ordinates and oversees cast and crew during rehearsal / production run. Good organisation skills needed.
Wardrobe/Costumes Maintains costume department, hiring in and out of costumes/accessories. Knowledge of costume history and styles useful.
Lighting design and operation Running pre-programmed or programming lighting board, rigging lights, to designing lighting sets and understanding lighting technology.
Sound design and operation Running pre-programmed or programming sound desk, sourcing/production of sound effects, to understanding sound system technology.
Set design and construction Designs and/or builds production sets and props, works to the designers brief. Good DIY and organisational skills helpful. Activities range from building complex devices to simple painting.
Properties Maintains props department and sources new props.
Stage crew Works with stage manager to operate backstage effects, clear sets and support actors.
Directors and Actors The Players are always interested in welcoming new directors and actors to the Settlements Little Theatre.
Thank you for reading this and please get in touch if you would like to rebuild the Players as we approach our centenary.