Hobson’s Choice by Harold Brighouse 17th-19th February 1972
The story is set in Salford in 1880. It bears many resemblances to the stories of Cinderella and King Lear including a deceased mother; three daughters, two of whom are pretty and frivolous, the third of whom is clever and hardworking; and a fairy godmother.
Alice Hobson : Joyce Elson
Maggie Hobson : Diana Evans
Vickie Hobson : Margaret Dutton
Albert Prosser : Tony Sharp
Henry Horatio Hobson : Jim Harvey
Mrs Hepworth : Elaine Tickle
Timothy Wadlow (Tubby) : Donald Griggs
William Mossop : John Elson
Jim Heeler : Russell Strong
Ade Figgins : Helen Weerasinghe
Fred Beenstock : Simon Armitage
Dr MacFarlane : John Cruse
Producer : Winnie Stubbs
Lighting : David Fyfe
Prompt: Sandra Woollett
Costumes : The Settlement Players wardrobe
Properties: Valerie Coles
Stage Design : Noel Ripley