Breath of Spring

Breath of Spring by Peter Coke  14th-16th February 1974

Comedy. When Dame Beatrice is given a mink stole by her maid, she is reminded of the maid’s shady past and immediately suspects that it was stolen from the next flat. A former army officer and other lodgers endeavour to return the stolen fur.

73 tam shrew outer

74 breath sping inner

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Miss Nanette Parry (“Nan”) : Valerie Coles

Brigadier Albert Rayne, C.B., C.M.G., M.V.O : Roger Newman-Turner

Lily Thompson : Rose Saunders

Alice, Lady Miller : Rita Downing

Dame Beatrice Appleby, D.B.E. (“Bee”) : Ella Edwards

Miss Elizabeth Hatfield (“Hattie”) : Joyce Elson

Pape : John Elson


Director : Michael Everitt

Stage Manager : John Elson

Lighting : Mark Gifford

Sound : Anthony Coles

Properties : Elaine Tickle

Set Design : Noel Ripley , Ken Spinks