Nine till Six

Nine Till Six by Aimee and Philip Stuart   30 March – 02 April 1938

Performed at St Francis Theatre, Letchworth

Two women of different social backgrounds work together in a 1930’s dressmaker’s. contains a newspaper review (REF: LBM3001.5) for this production

38 till six outer38 till six inner


Mrs Pembroke : Nora Spinks

Miss Roberts : Kathleen Fitzpatrick

Freda : Joyce Boonen

Gracie Abbot : Barbara Dawson

Mrs Abbot : Grace Coles

Clare Pembroke : Winifred Fooks

Daisy : Winnie Stubbs

Gwladys : Eileen Kibber

Lady Avonlage : Christobel Thompson

Bridgit Penarth : Beryl Bayley

Violet : Linda Tatt

Carry : Florence Thompson

Beatrice : Muriel Benns

Judy : Jessie Clay

Helen : Judy Dainton

M’selle : Gwen Spinks


Producer: Gwen Spinks

Orchestra Director : Miss E Luen

Stage Set Direction : Norman Brooks

ASM : Ken Spinks

Electrician : Robert Footman

Joint Sectretaries : Mrs M Plowman and Cecil Plowman