2016 Festivals / April One Act Evening Play Audition

I will be holding auditions for the 2016 Festival Play in the Settlement Green room at 11.00am on Sunday 03rd and 8.00pm on Wednesday 6th January 2016.

The play is called Wetwork by Darren Little. Wetwork being a euphemism for murder or assassination, alluding to the spilling blood. It is described as a wicked dark comedy about two low level hitmen having a bad night. Running at about 35 minutes, its cast is 3 males and 1 female. The script describes them as:

Phil, 30’s, assassin, big, thinks he is cleaver and in control.
Charlie, 30’s, assassin, smaller, not so bright
Jessica, 20’s, assassin, attractive and in control, very seductive in the way she speaks
Man, 20-30’s, slim, handsome and dead!

I think these characters can be in the mid 20’s-40’s age range, so age not too critical but Phil and Charlie need a brotherly type relationship. They are both on stage for all the play. Jessica is on stage for the last half of the play. The man appears on stage a third of the way into the play and has a small number of lines at the end.

The Characters/set will have a neo-noir stylised feel. The set will be simple but require some stylised sound and lighting.

There will be a rehearsal prompt but no show prompt. I would like to have two rehearsals a week on Sunday and Wednesday.

I plan to take Wetwork to the Sawston Festival, 17-19 March 2016, as well as the April one act play evening at The Settlement on 9th April. Potentially I would also like to take it to the Cambridge Festival, 25th-30th April, but this is not definate.

I also need Crew for the following roles: Stage Manager, Props, Costume, Props & Set design and Construction, Lighting design, Sound, and Rehearsal prompt.

Please email me if you are interested in any of the roles and/or would like more information.