The Caucasian Chalk Circle (The Flight into the Mountains) by Bertolt Brecht
Performed 31st March 1966 at the Letchworth Little Theatre 5th Drama Festival 31 March – 02 April 1966
Performed 18th June 1966 at the Welwyn Drama Festival
Information from 1966 Welwyn Drama Festival Programme, Welwyn Resource Library Ref: 792 Local Studies
A drama by the German modernist playwright Bertolt Brecht. An example of Brecht’s epic theatre, the play is a parable about a peasant girl who rescues a baby and becomes a better mother than its wealthy natural parents.
The Story Teller : John Elson
The Chorus : Christine Bullock, Mauriel Woollons, Margaret Alston, Janet Hudson
Chorus (Welwyn) : Christine Bullock, Muriel Woolens, Margaret Alston, Elaine Tickle, Valerie Coles, Diana Stead
Grusha Vashnadze : Janet Tate
Old Man : Harry Kemp
The Corporal : Fred Morton
The Corporal (Welwyn): Roger Newman-Turner
The Ironshirt : Richard Bullock
The Peasant : Albert Claydon
The Peasant Woman : Winnie Stubbs
The Peasant Women (Welwyn) : Joyce Elson
Director: Noel Ripley
Music arranged and recorded : Douglas Tate and Janet Tate
Letchworth Little Theatre Drama Festival 1966:
Kaete Behrens Steinfeld Festival Runner up trophy