The Aspern Papers

The Aspern Papers by Michael Redgrave   29th February-2nd March 1968

Drama.  Based on the letters Percy Bysshe Shelley wrote to Mary Shelley’s stepsister, Claire Clairmont, who saved them until she died.
Set in Venice, a nameless narrator finds Juliana Bordereau, an old lover of Jeffrey Aspern, a famous and now dead American poet.

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Assunta, the maid : Diana Stead

Mrs Prest, (H.J.’s friend) : Phyl Hardy

Henry Jarvis, (H.J.) a man of letters : Jim Harvey

Miss Tina, Miss Bordereau’s niece : Frances Cave

Miss Juliana Bordereau : Joyce Elson

Pasquale, (H.J.’s manservant) : Barry Vincent


Producer : Osborne Ellis

Stage Manager : Percy Simmonds

Lighting : Chris Makepeace

Costumes : Elaine Tickle

Props : Ruth Wren

Prompt : Margaret Alston