My Three Angels

My Three Angels by Sam and Bella Spewack  18th-20th May 1972

Comedy. It is Christmas Eve in the tropical prison colony of Cayenne. Felix Dulay, a hopeless storekeeper, is fearfully awaiting the owner, Gaston. Providence has given the Dulays three guardian angels — three convicts!

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72 angels inner

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Emilie Dulay : Joyce Elson

Felix Dulay, her husband : Bill Moxon

Madame Parole : Patricia Lee

Marie Louise Dulay, Felix’s daughter ; Judith Wilbraham

Alfred (Convict 4707) : Chris Robson

Jules (Convict 6817) : Tony Sharp

Joseph (Convict 3011) : Tony Gilby

Gaston Lemare : John Cruse

Paul Cassagon, Gaston’s nephew : Howard Moxon

Sub-Lieutenant Espoir of the French Navy : Colin Pouton


Director : Valerie Coles

Stage Manager : Bill Gulliver

Lighting : Russell Strong

Sound effects : Anthony Coles

Prompt : Sandra Woollett

Set Design : Noel Ripley

Wardrobe : Betty Harvey