Lady Precious Stream by S.I.Hsiung 26th – 29th May 1937, at St Francis Theatre, Letchworth
Drama. A beautiful, romantic drama of love, fidelity, treachery, and poetry presented in the style of traditional Chinese theatre. Set under the Tang Dynasty, the story depicts the devotion of a wife for her adventurous husband, his prowess as a warrior, and his ultimate return home.
This production is referenced Page 124, Asian American Playwrights: A Bio-bibliographical Critical Sourcebook, edited by Miles Xian Liu. (ISBN 0-313-31455-1)
His Excellency, Wang Yun, The Prime Minister : Ken Ponder
Madam Wang, of The Chen Family, His Wife : Gwen Spinks
Su, The Dragon General, The Eldest Son in Law : Charles Bygrave
Wei, The Tiger General, The Youngest Son in Law : Leonard Lewis
Golden Stream : Molly Booth
Silver Stream : Marjorie Pye
Precious Stream : Miss E M Ponder
Her Maid : Murial Benns
Hsieh Ping-Kuei, The Gardner : Bernard Youngman
Suitors : Grace Coles, P Wright, Selwyn Coles, J C Day
Driver : Arthur Wright
Her Highness, The Princess of the Western Regions : Winifred Fooks
Ma Ta, Her A.D.C : J C Day
Kiang Hai, Her A.D.C : Selwyn Coles
Mu : Hugh Bidwell
Executioner : James Dainton
His Excellency, The Minister for Foreign Affairs : Ken Spinks
Property Men : Norman Brooks, Tom Harding
Attendants : James Dainton, F Richardson, L C Hawkins
Maids : Winnie Stubbs, Miss M Townsend, Miss G Wallis, Grace Coles
Honourable Reader : Roy Manners
Director : Ken Spinks
Orchestra Direction : Edwin Swannell
Costumes : D and J Benjamin, London
Stage Manager : Norman Brooks
Lighting : Robert Footman
Box Office : Robert Parker
Hon. Secretary : Leonard Lewis
Assistant Hon. Secretary : Mrs M P Plowman
Hon. Mistress of the Wardrobe : Miss S Dewe