Ruffian on the Stair

Ruffian on the Stair by Joe Orton

April 2010

Performed at Sawston, Bedfordshire and Welwyn Dramas Festivals
A reprise of the Sep 2009 Theatre club performance with a new director.

Ruffian on the Stair - July 2009
Ruffian on the Stair - July 2009
Ruffian on the Stair - July 2009
Ruffian on the Stair - July 2009
Ruffian on the Stair - July 2009
Ruffian on the Stair - July 2009
Ruffian on the Stair - July 2009
Ruffian on the Stair - July 2009
Ruffian on the Stair - July 2009
Ruffian on the Stair - July 2009
Ruffian on the Stair - July 2009
Ruffian on the Stair - July 2009
Ruffian on the Stair - July 2009
Ruffian on the Stair - July 2009
Ruffian on the Stair - July 2009
Ruffian on the Stair - July 2009
Ruffian on the Stair - July 2009

10 april one acts ruffian  extra


Joyce : Sonia Weston

Mike : Stuart Cocks

Wilson : Alex Miles


Director : Arlene Hui

Stage Manager : Tracy Rudeforth

Stage Crew : Robert Evans, John Baskerville, Helen Faulkner


3rd Place Annual Trophy, Sawston Drama Festival 2010
Best Set Sawston Drama Festival 2010

Best Actress for Sonia Weston as Joyce, Bedfordshire (Haynes) Drama Festival 2010