The God of Carnage by Yasmina Reza 16-18 June 2016
What happens when two sets of parent’s meet up to deal with the unruly behaviour of their children? A calm and rational debate between grown-ups about the need to teach kids how to behave properly? Or a hysterical night of name-calling, tantrums and tears before bedtime?
Alan Riley : David Smith
Annette Riley : Nicole Ashbrook
Michael Vallon : Stuart Cocks
Veronica Vallon : Sonia Weston
Director : Joanna Roskilly
Assistant Director/Rehearsal Prompt : Rebecca Jones
Stage Manager : James Barnard
Properties : Tracy Rudeforth
Lighting : Robert Evans, Graham Frost
Sound : William Muir and Dugald Muir
Production Manager and Set Design : John Baskerville
Costume : The Cast
Poster : Joanna Roskilly
Programme : Nicole Ashbrook
Front of House : Jeremy Evans and the Players
Hon. President and Box Office Manager : Roy Evans