Chase Me Up Farndale Avenue, S’il Vous Plait! by David McGillivray and Walter Zerlin Jnr 23 – 25 February 2017
The French farce has arrived at The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen’s Guild Dramatic Society, and the formidable ladies do it like no one else! An unintelligible plot, a plethora of doors and a grand range of characters make this Farndale offering as bubbly as a glass of champagne.
Mrs Reece : Sonia Weston
Thelma : Joanna Roskilly
Felicity : Lisa Cooper
Minnie : Claire Hogan
Gordon : James Barnard
Director : Pat Baskerville
Stage Manager : Tracy Rudeforth
Backstage Assistants : Wendy Roskilly , Ivor Davies
Prompt : Sarah Rice
Lighting : Alison Muir
Sound : Robert Evans
Properties : Margaret Bachini
Costumes : Jeni Gosling
Set design : John Baskerville
Set and Props Construction : Graham Frost, Jim Anderson, Stephen Charles and the Players
Front of house : Jeremy Evans & the Players
Honorary President & Box Office Manager : Roy Evans