Calendar Girls by Tim Firth 14-16 November 2013
Based on the true story of eleven WI members who posed nude for a calendar to raise money for the Leukaemia Research Fund. For the record, the Players ladies were comnpletely nude on stage, their modesty olny protected by well placed items.
Cora: Claire Hogan
Chris: Samantha Powell
Annie: Sonia Weston
Jessie: Jean Williams
Celia: Diane Morrad
Ruth: Joanna Roskilly
Ellie/Rehearsal Understudy: Pat Phillips
Debbie/Rehearsal Understudy: Crystal Anderson
Marie: Nicole Ashbrook
Brenda Hulse: Caro Hart
John: Jim Anderson
Rod: Graeme Bussey
Lady Cravenshire: Hazel Jacobs
Lawrence: Stephen Charles
Elaine: Jenn Groves
Liam: David Smith
Director: Cliff Francis
Assistant Director: Caro Hart
Stage Manager: Tracy Rudeforth
Assistant Stage Manager: Helen Faulkner
Rehearsal Prompt: Val Barber
Lighting/Sound: Robert Evans & Graham Frost
Properties: Margaret Bachini
Costumes: Jeni Gosling and Pat Baskerville
Set Design: Cliff Francis
Set Construction: John Baskerville, Colin Bladon, Stephen Charles, Ivor Davies, Robert Evans, Helen Faulkner, Cliff Francis, Graham Frost and David Smith
Programme: Nicole Ashbrook
Front of House: Jeremy Evans & The Players
Honorary President & Box Office Manager: Roy Evans