The Spartan Girl

The Spartan Girl (A Doubtful Tragedy by Euripides) by A J Talbot
Performed 19th May 1955 at the 12th Letchworth Drama Festival 18-21 May, St Francis Theatre, Letchworth

Also Performed 10th June 1955 at the Welwyn Drama Festival

Information from 1955 Welwyn Drama Festival Programme, Welwyn Resource Library Ref: 792 Local Studies


Neptune : Sandy McCulloch

Phoebe : Rosemary Read

Dorcus : Kathleen Fitzpatrick

Messenger : Stephen Ward

Eustace : Clifford Franklin

Stranger : Joe Platten

Attendant : Horace Mayo

Chorus : Joyce Jones, Pat Lister, Mary Buckstone, Peggy Timmis, Rose Braham, Jacqueline SmedleyThe Voice of the Ether : Not Stated


Director : Noel Ripley , Ken Spinks

Set Design : Ken Spinks


Welwyn Drama Festival 1955:

Best Actress: Kathleen Fitzpatrick