A Phoenix Too Frequent

A Phoenix Too Frequent by Christopher Fry
Performed 16 April 1983 at the Letchworth Little Theatre 21st Drama Festival 14-16 April 1983

Comedy. Dynamene is ready to die from grief over the death of her husband and has immured herself, fasting, in his tomb. After a “brilliant parade of poetry, paradox, wit, humour and intellectual discourse” she is diverted from her death-wish by the handsome soldier, Tegeus, and even offers her husband’s body to save Tegeus’ life.

83 one act fest review


Doto : Joyce Elson

Dynamene : Elaine Willers

Teageus : Robert Kelly


Director: Sue Bain

Stage Manager: Joanna Fyfe

Set Designed: Noel Ripley

Costumes: Tigge Hewett