Ladies in Retirement

Ladies in Retirement by Edward Percy and Reginald Denham
16th-18th May 1985

Thriller. Miss Fiske lives in a remote house with her companion, Ellen Creed. Ellen, who has devoted her life to her sisters, Louisa and Emily invites them to visit her. These eccentric persons make themselves at home, but when Miss Fiske reminds Ellen it is time for them to go back, they are unwilling to do so.

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Lucy Gilham : Val Searle

Leonora Fiske : Diana Evans

Ellen Creed : Frances Gaynor

Albert Feather : William Heaton

Louisa Creed : Ella Edwards

Emily Creed : Barbara Brockway

Sister Theresa : Chris Lane


Producer : Winnie Stubbs

Stage Manager : David Fyfe

Lighting : Kevin Dunnicliffe

Sound effects : Sally Pearce,

Set Design : Stephen Gaynor

Set construction : Stephen Gaynor, William Heaton, Ashley Garling, Noel Ripley , John Elson, Bob Miller