Settlement Players – February 2016 Production
By Carlo Goldoni
A New adaption by Lee Hall
AUDITION DATES – Sunday 15 November 2015 at 3pm in Brunt Room
Wednesday 18 November 2015 at 8pm in Hall
PRODUCTION DATES – 25, 26, 27th February 2016
A Servant to Two Masters
The play, a riotous and bawdy comedy is set in Venice, Italy in the late 18th century. Whilst the play is 250 years old, the version we are doing is a modern adaption (in modern English) by Lee Hall and was produced by the RSC in 2000. It is a very fast moving farce, played largely to the audience, with lots of asides and knowing looks. Some of the roles will have a physical aspect to them.
Plot Outline
Federigo Rasponi, son of a wealthy Turinese business man, has for a substantial financial arrangement been betrothed to Clarice (much against her wishes) by her father Pantaloon, a Venetian business man of substance.
Tragically, before the wedding can take place, Federigo has been killed by Florindo, who has gone on the run from his native Turin, taking refuge in Venice. Florindo was betrothed to Beatrice, sister of Federigo Rasponi. Beatrice, assumes the identity of her dead brother and sets out to relieve Pantaloon of the dowry, and find Florindo and return him to Turin to clear his name and marry him.
At the play’s opening, Pantaloon is making alternate wedding arrangements to marry his daughter Clarice to Silvio, son of fellow Venetian Dr Lombardi. This suits Clarice as she and Silvio are madly in love.
Brighella is the owner of the inn where the wedding feast is to be held, and where a large proportion of the play takes place.
Truffaldino is the principal character, the servant of the title. Quick of wit, penniless and perpetually hungry, he is the catalyst that holds the action together. A fabulous comedic part.
Smeraldina is the busty and randy ladies maid, Clarice’s servant.
There are also Porters and Waiters, but these are doubled with some of the other characters.
The characters
Pantaloon (M) – Father of Clarice – Playing age 40s+
Clarice (F) – Pantaloon’s daughter – Playing age teens+
Dr Lomabardi / First Waiter (M) – Father of Silvio – Playing age 40s+
Brighella / Second Porter (M) – Inn Keeper – Playing age 40s+
Beatrice (F) – Sister of Federigo, dressed as her brother throughout – playing age teens+
Florindo (M) – Beatrice’s intended – Playing age 20s+
Silvio / Second Waiter (M) – Son of Dr Lombardi, Clarice’s intended – Playing age 20s+
Smeraldina (F) – Clarice’s ladies maid – Playing age 20s+
Truffaldino (M) – The servant of the title, playing age 20s+