Lucrezia Borgia’s Little Party by A J Talbot
Performed 11th April 1947 at the 4th Letchworth Drama Festival 10-12 April, St Francis Theatre, Letchworth
A Comedy. Love potions and poisons are mixed up at a party.
Cesare Borgia (Duke of Romagna) : Noel Ripley
Lucrezia Borgia (Duchess of Ferrara, His Sister) : Dorris Barrett
Isabelle D’este (Lucrezia’s Sister in Law) : Ella Edwards
Fiammetta Strozi (Kinswomen of Isabelle) : Pat Gowman
Ricardo Ridolfi (Serving in Cesare’s Army) : Patrick Wright
Niccolo Macchiavelli : Harry Doherty
Leonardo Da Vinci : Charles Bygrave
Baldassare (A Servitor) : Derek Booth
Tessa (A Serving Wench) : Margaret Thompson
A Dog : Unknown
Director : Gwen Spinks