
Whodidit? by Neil Harrison   13th April 2013

Also performed at the Sawston and Haynes festivals

A reprise of the 2012 production with a smaller cast…..So suspend your belief and enjoy this comedy spoof set in the 1920’s.
In a manor house near the village of Farmbright, We discover Mary Darling in her drawing room little aware of what is about to unfold………

Whodidit? - April 2013
Whodidit? - April 2013
Whodidit? - April 2013
Whodidit? - April 2013
Whodidit? - April 2013
Whodidit? - April 2013
Whodidit? - April 2013
Whodidit? - April 2013
Whodidit? - April 2013
Whodidit? - April 2013
Whodidit? - April 2013
Whodidit? - April 2013
Whodidit? - April 2013
Whodidit? - April 2013
Whodidit? - April 2013
Whodidit? - April 2013
Whodidit? - April 2013


13 whodidit review


Mary Darling: Jenn Groves

Able Bonecrusher: David Smith

Constable Smart: Graeme Bussey

Tom Darling: Stephen Charles

Uncle: Samantha Powell

Detective Inspector Story: Graeme Bussey

Mrs Meals: Jenn Groves

Laura Scribbles: Abigail Sage

Shutters: Jenn Groves / Stephen Charles

Young Danny Travis: Glenn Wylds

Stableman: Stephen Charles

Susan Daguerrotype: Abigail Sage

Jeannie Skakles: Abigail Sage

Invisible Professor Michael Headache: Stephen Charles

Tom Darling Jnr: Glenn Wylds


Director: Cliff Francis

Stage Manager: John Baskerville

ASM: Amanda Thurman , Ivor Davies

Lighting: Graham Frost

Sound: Robert Evans

Costumes: Pat Baskerville


Bedfordshire (Haynes) Drama Festival 2013:

Best Theatrical Moment
Most Entertaining
Best Supporting Actor: David Smith for Able Bonecrusher
Best Actress: Jenn Groves for Mary Darling/Shutters/Mrs Meals
Best Direction : Cliff Francis
Best Production