Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime (Act II), adapted from Oscar Wilde by Constance Cox
Performed 8th June 1967 at the Welwyn Drama Festival
This play is based on an 1890’s story by Oscar Wilde about Lord Arthur Savile’s who is engaged to lovely Sybil Merton. Her pet chiromantist Podgers has read Lord Arthur’s palm and foretold he would commit a murder. Lord Arthur desires a blissful married life and therefore feels duty bound to get the murder over with first.
Information from 1967 Welwyn Drama Festival Programme, Welwyn Resource Library Ref: 792 Local Studies
Baines, The Butler : Albert Claydon
Lord Arthur Savile : Roger Newman-Turner
Sybil Merton, His Fiancée : Diana Stead
The Dean of Paddington, His Uncle : John Moore
Lady Windermere, His Aunt : Joyce Elson
Lady Clementine Beauchamp, His Great Aunt : Muriel Woollons
Lady Julia Merton, Sybil’s Mother : Valerie Coles
Nellie, The Maid : Margaret Alston
Herr Winkelkopf, An Anarchist : John Elson
Producer : Gwen Spinks
Costumes : Elaine Tickle
Set Design : Ken Spinks and Noel Ripley