Solomon’s Folly

Solomon’s Folly by Sydney Box

Performed 18th May 1939 at the Welwyn Drama Festival

A glimpse into the privtate life of Solomon, showing his real relations with the Queen of Sheba and interpersed with a running commentary from th Rev. Herbert Lovelace, who intrudes from the world of today.

Information from 1939 Welwyn Drama Festival Programme, Welwyn Resource Library Ref: 792 Local Studies


Solomon (King of Israel) : Charles Bygrave

Makeda (Queen of Sheba) : Diana Robinson

Benaiah (Solomon’s Prime Minister : Selwyn Coles

Sofar (A Scribe) : Bernard Youngman

Amina (Solomon’s Favourite Wife) : Eileen Wagstaff

Naomi (Other Wife of Solomon) : Phyllis Casbourne

Tamar (Other Wife of Solomon) : Gwen Spinks

Rev Herbert Lovelace (Clerk in Holy Orders) : Oscar Backhouse


Director : Ken Spinks