The Senora; Merry-Go-Round; This is Impossible

The Senora by Arthur Swinson; Merry Go Round by Sydney Box; This is Impossible by Patrick Hamilton  Performed 23rd January 1960

60 one acts


The Senora

Currita : Carol Sandy

Senora Maria Renados : Jennifer James

Captain Rene Legrand : George Taylor

Corporal Harper : Tony Clayton

Lt. Colonel Hedley Boosbeck : Edward Falcon

Merry Go Round

Ann : Beryl Porter

Betty : Patricia Lister

Catherine : Ella Edwards

Waiter : Ken Spinks

This is Impossible

An Actor : George Taylor

An Actress : Carol Sandy

A Producer : Edward Falcon

Miss Watson : Agnes Lyons

Stage Manager : David Fyfe

Prompt : Ken Spinks


Director : Ken Spinks

Stage Manager : Percy Simmonds

Mistress of Wardrobe : Lorna Henville

Electrician : David Fyfe